Thursday, June 19, 2008


All day I thought about the couple next door. Their fight few weeks ago must have been a bad one. Now that he's left, the girl is in the process of moving out. This morning, I noticed that the little fabric wrapped ledge that used to perch on the window sill for Lucy, the cat, was gone.

I have a project with Friday deadline. But I left the office even before my usual time. I was tired.

"I know you're busy, but just one it okay to stop caring?" I wrote, before putting the car in reverse gear. I pressed the send button.

She sent me back her response in two separate text messages.

"Whoa! That sounds loaded. My quick answer is..."

"NO. But are you talking work or love life?"

I replied, "Work. You know I have a love-less life.... Okay, I'll try a little more."

What I really meant to say, in lieu of "work," was "life." But I knew better than to bother her with that load of baggage before her forthcoming deadlines. And we both knew I only had myself to blame.

People call it quits all the time. I did to my own marriage. I did to an eighteen year old friendship. But I cannot to things I am expected to.

I opened a bottle of Lambrusco when I got home. I'm on the course of finishing it before this evening is over.

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